twentysixletters About the artist

Letter Art - more than beautiful writing

The written letter is more than just a symbol for a sound. Doing calligraphy means more than having understanding of letter shapes and structures. It also means being able to arrange them effectively and taking them into composition, movement and rhythm. As every letter has an individual shape it holds unlimited potential for artistic statement.

Not every piece of calligraphy is just beautiful. It can also be powerful, striking or even disturbing. This depends on the artist’s intention. Calligraphy becomes more and more adventurous by exploring the use of unusual tools, methods and techniques. Today calligraphic art shows us a wide range from traditionally based works to very modern expressive and experimental work.

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Michael Zeyda was born in 1969 in the small city of Gifhorn in the North of Germany. He has been studying Graphic Design at the University of Applied Arts and Science in Hildesheim, Germany. His study focus has been on lettering art under the instruction of Prof. Gottfried Pott. He worked as a calligraphy tutor at the University and has led calligraphy workshops at a local community college in Germany as well as in Dallas & Oklahoma. Some of his works were being shown as part of a group exhibition during the EXPO 2000 world exhibition in the St. Michaeliskirche, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Hildesheim.